Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Those Misbehaving Friends

Whenever you see someone misbehaving:
Even just some sloppy bathroom shaving,
Remember that we are all fallen critters,
Always disrupting or offending someone.
We all rub each other the wrong way
From time to time and need to be aware
And not just give one another a stare.
How we, I indeed, fail to respect and restore
Those who slip and slide even to the floor!
Restoration is our duty upon repentance received.
It’s the way we sinners do who have in Him believed.
We despise sin, in others and in ourselves
But we are not as simple, emotional elves.
Ours is to buck up, forgive, and restore
Those brothers and others who run into the door
Breaking themselves by their own buffoonery –
Some ending up even worse – to the infirmary.
So restore the one who messed up and fell
And so keep yourself from trouble, even hell.

8 Feb., 2024

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