Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Personal Gratitude

Thank the Lord for the half of wits that I have!
How good is such a beneficent endowment.
Life could be worse, of course;
I could be rejected, abandoned, and divorced!
But I have been granted a faithful partner:
A wife most fine is she for me.
And so we go to the end of our course,
Steadfast with God’s people and with force;
We hold fast to the Truth and shine His light,
Serving the weak and ignoring the fright.
All fear in the world has been blown away
By the One who came here into the fray
And wiped clean our slate, the list of our sin,
Giving us the victory and over death a win.

26 Jan 2024
(From a fellow beset with some Alzheimer interference, but pressing on.)

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