Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

An Important Short Take (Gaining Perspective on Ourselves in Our Time)

If you are a “pro-lifer” who does not regard a Democrat to be on the same moral level as a Nazi, you do not have a sufficient appreciation for the sanctity of the child in the womb. (Best not look down too critically of those inactive Germans under a Biden-grade Hitler.)

23 January, 2024

I don’t provide for commentary on this site. Too much to manage. But I will add one from my friend, Jonathan O’Toole, here:

“Hitler himself and the 1940s Nazis, save for a few, were fundamentally more decent human beings than the sub-human Democrats to whom you abusively compare them, and would never have countenanced what people are tolerating today.    

These fellows are more on the level of the Bolsheviks, but I daresay even they stopped short of this present darkness.”  

23 Jan., 2024

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