Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

On the Retention of Biden as a Church Member

Forget about theological issues of papal supremacy or sanctification issues of liturgical order and Eucharistic cleansing which might be objected to be Protestants.  There is the basic problem of church discipline – a principle affirmed by all Churches!  Heretics must be corrected and, when found incorrigible, excommunicated.

On this matter, the Roman Catholic Church has demonstrated its failure as a Church.  The most prominent and visible member of the Roman Church is Joe Biden – a flagrant heretic who has paraded his heresies around the nation and the world and protected the Holocaustian practice of child-slaughter by abortion.   No discipline has he received from the RCC –  just absolute pagan toleration of his evil person and accompanying deeds on the part of “the Church.”

Disgusting, derelict, and downright Godless.

A.m. on 20 Dec., 2023

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