Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

“Freedom of Religion”?

There surely is a moral evolution (or devolution)
Of a people as they abide by or abandon The Law of God.
Nations rise and fall sometimes by their brutality or passivity,
But more rightfully by the moral behavior of the people
Reflected in the standards that they maintain.
Sadly, in the name of Freedom of Religion, we have declined
To hold forth a moral standard as the basis for public morality.
We have allowed for any “religion” or pagan “freedom of choice”
Doctrine to pervert our society, degrade and smother the Truth voice.
When a nation says “No” to wrong: e.g. theft, adultery, abortion and sodomy,
It provides freedom from the chaos that follows Lawlessness.
To suppress or abandon the Law of God in the name of “religious freedom”
Is not only stupid but downright treasonous in that true freedom is subverted.
Yes.  As justice (for the unborn, for example) is abolished, the nation is perverted.

8 Nov., 2023

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