Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

The Humility Thing

It is a virtue which is distorted from its Biblical context.  It is foisted upon Christians as a primary virtue
leading them to behave ineffectively and blithely in places where they ought to be bold and  intransigent.  Humility is the essence, indeed, of the incarnation of deity into humanity!  God became man for the purpose of sacrifice and deliverance of humanity from the penalty of sin.

But this humility, this sacrificial love, does not translate into quiet deference to those who oppose the Truth and pervert the Gospel.  It does not lead Christians to deferential and compromised advocacy for the Kingdom of God on earth. 

Our testimony is to His dominion, His conquest of death for us, and our unworthiness of His love.  It is a testimony borne in bold confidence and radical certainty

We don’t deserve His grace and His salvation of our wicked souls.  And we declare His victory with joyful intransigence.

9 March, 2023

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