Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

The Monarch “Pastor”

A cheap shrink for all those church members who can’t afford to pay for psychiatric care?  To such, so it seems, that the office has been transmuted over time as churches have lost their identity and evolved into psycho-socio-therapy organizations.

Quite a far cry from a militant army of God taking ground for the Kingdom and establishing justice by the Law of God.

Rule by elders is the preferred and Biblical model, but if a monarch he must be, let him take on the role of a general who trains his soldiers to fight the battle for the sake of the Kingdom.  Let him call in his colonels and charge them with the duty to train their charges to buck up for the war.

There is Truth to be advanced and Justice to be established as the full Gospel (with the consequent obedience to the Law) is preached!

There is mercy and forgiveness and reconciliation, and then there is Obedience, the training of the saints for the preaching of the Gospel and reconciliation with God and His Law and advocacy for the establishment of justice.

2 Feb., 2023

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