Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

The “Blob of Tissue” Bullshit

How many were sucked into committing murder by that simple, profound, demonic LIE?

What a difference a  clever lie can make! 

A life and death difference!

And what psychological suffering has followed from the asinine, demonic use of this expression? 
Oh to recall “property” as the euphemistic reference to a SLAVE!  

How one can cover up the crime of manstealing with such fine DECEITFUL rhetoric.  

Euphemism!  Make something evil to SOUND good!

Nothing less than demonic.    

“Gay” comes to mind as another popular, demonic euphemism.

Oh, and “hard right” suits many to refer to someone actually believes that God has spoken and delivered commandments to the human race, providing knowledge of real Right and real Wrong!

20 January, 2023

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