Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Radio Station Playlist Purgation

Get With Today’s Problems!

Interesting misguided zeal of some, referenced on my classical station (WGUC), who would purge the play list of some composers because (back in the day) they “expressed some racist views.”  Hmm.  What if we purged the airways -today- of any who expressed pro-abort views?  (Might get rid of a lot of lousy music!  Might wipe up some good music as well.) 

Ah, the effort to clean up the human race is a monumental and laborious task! 

Is it worth the effort?

Yes, but let us focus upon the big things . . . such as baby-butchery and sodomy.  Old-timey racism is really a problem of the past.  Get with today’s towering atrocities.  Take on today’s task not the problems of the past!

2 Jan., 2023

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