Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

PMMP: A Post-Meridian Meditation Poem

(Another PMMP!)

A PMMP a day
Keeps those blues away!
Don’t be dopey and dazed,
On the world’s lies crazed!
The One Triune God came
And took all that just pain
That was ours since before Cain
All the way back to Adam and Eve,
When the world fell to the one who deceives.
He rose up victorious forever
Independent of our endeavors
To save ourselves from that corruption
Which was more than a rude disruption
Of the fellowship with the Holy One
Who withheld not even His only Son
To provide us not with simple fun,
But to put us on the course to run
That race; to be holy for His glory.
Our lives must extend His story.

1230 on 21 Oct., 2022

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