Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Hell for False Teachers

Did He not die for us
Carrying our sins with Him?
And are there not lying witnesses?
Was not Everding, of Methodist College,
One of such who denied the Savior?
And is Methodist College not a bastion
For the teaching of heresy to the nation?
Why, then, send your child to such a place,
Which on His name brings disgrace?
Those perverts who would lead astray
His sheep from the one-and-only way
Will find their place before Him
On that fearsome Judgment Day
To give an account of their sin:
Leading the sheep OUT of the pasture
As if life without Him gives stature.
There is hell for such false teachers,
And we will praise God that day from the bleachers
As we watch the wicked go down
To that place beyond the underground.
(But did I fail to investigate
Great sins of omission on my plate?)

22 Sept., 2022

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