Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

The Task

He didn’t die for nothin’.
He died ’cause justice was due
On me and you!
Buck up and repent:
Put on your big-boy pants;
You got a testimony to bear
And for other people to care.
You know on His patience you wear
If irritating Him you dare;
So what is your over-all plan?
Make some bucks?  Get a tan?
No!  Living for His glory
Must be the point of your story!
Keep your house in order
And your kids in line;
Tend to your church, the people
(Got less to do with a steeple);
Serve each other; build the body.
Can’t leave the temple shoddy!

Late a.m. and early p.m. (3 sessions) on 30 Aug., 2022

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