Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

An End to the Holocaust

(It happens.  Rejoice!)
Thanks be to God for those
Who have worked so hard
An end to abortion to bring,
That we might rightfully God to sing
Praise for our salvation.
Deeds provide that confirmation
That that Truth we declare
Will not bring to us a snare.
We know faith without works is dead
But they deliver us from that dread
When on that Day it will be said,
“Get thee out of My sight!
You chose to avoid the fight
For what was just and true.
Lives were blotted out before you!”
Yes, I’ll have some fame
But it won’t be for wrestling
Or the bombing of “clinics.”
Rather, in deriding all those cynics
Who take human life so cheaply
And pass through life so sleepily.
It is the message which moves the soul;
Death is deserved, but life is given
To those who want real peace
And from fear of death release.

0843-58 on 11 Aug., 2022

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