Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

A Station for Justice and Truth

I hope, WGUC,
The truth you will see
And never allow Planned Parenthood,
Their filth, to air in our neighborhood.
Babies they advocate to die
As easy as eggs to fry
Or swatting a fly!
They bring those women in for a “choice”
And deprive the little ones of a voice.
(Lord, bring that “business” to an end
Never to butcher a baby again.)
Let not our classical station
For evil become a bastion.
Keep on with the music so grand;
May it enrich our decadent land.
And may we stomp out the weeds
That would smother humanity seeds.
One may always opt for adoption
But abortion is never an option.
Trumpet the truth on those air waves
The lives of many you can save.
A station for justice and truth be.

0810 on 10 Aug., 2022

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