Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Isaiah Chapter Two Redux for You

Those Philistines were nothin’ but a tool;
It was the Lord Who put Saul to death.
(Remember where you get yourself breath!)
Stick with the Lord and do His will;
Sometimes you got to just sit still.
It’s all about those commands,
More glorious than all the world’s bands;
The very words of life He’s given us
To do what He says and just trust.
Sometimes wicked things we got to bust!
It’s alright.  You know He’s got that back;
And a plan each day we get out o’ that sack!
Up an’ rollin’ with that agenda;
You can sure be sure He’s a friend o’
Those who trust in His Word and walk
Straighter an’ louder than all the talk.
Woe to those fools who lift themselves up;
Their loftiness will be brought right down!
The Lord is the One to be lifted on up;
Gonna throw those idols in the dump!
Folks gonna go into caves with those rocks
Stinkin’ it up, wearin’ out their socks,
And the terror of the Lord gonna shine!
He gonna rise up an’ make the world shake! (19)
No time to work or be bakin’ a cake! (21)

(0645 and later in the day on 31 July, 2022)

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