Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

The American Church’s Corporate Confession of Sin

We have sinned against You, oh Lord, in thought, word, deed (and absence of good deeds).

We have failed to intervene and stop the nigh-on-five-decade-long American Holocaust.   We have shunned, rather than honored, those who have solitarily lifted a finger to light a match to burn, bomb to blow up an abortuary.  Content to continue with endless lobbying and cowardly pleading with a Nazi-like regime, like tics we live on          while the host nation continues its war on the innocents.

We would rather sit in conference rather than lift a brick and heave it against a death-camp door.

Yes, we are disgusting, O Lord.  Relieve us of such apathy!  May we cheer and support those who have come forth as solitary prophets and those who may yet come forth to blow the holocaust away.  We pray evermore for that day of deliverance from this national infamy to which to states have complied in sinful submission.  

Forgive us for our wicked indifference.  And help us to repent and do right.

19 Jan., 2022

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