Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Sprinkled That Blood

2 Chron. 29:21f.

Bulls, rams, lambs, and sheep
Seven of each they slaughtered
Blood flowing everywhere
The earth was quite will watered;
Sprinkled that blood on the altar
Before the king and assembly
(Think about it all you Baptists;
Don’t have to dunk ’em in that water)
The way of the Lord is to sprinkle
That saving blood upon the guilty.
No where in the Word
Does it talk about mode
When it comes to baptizing those converts.
So take a hint, I say, from those Chronicles;
Says they spread that blood with a sprinkle! (22)
So get on down; stop messin’ around
Tellin’ folks they got to get dunked;
That teaching just got to be junked!
Talkin’ about spreadin’ that blood,
Savin’ us from sin and crud!
Keep readin’ your Book, believers;
Don’t use it as a means or a lever.
Let it speak the truth on it’s own;
Got people to guide and to hone.

A.m. on 16 January, 2022

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