Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Election Fraud and Revolution

One ought not use “election fraud” as a justification for revolution. That would be a relatively weak excuse.


A revolution is a serious issue – lots of dead folks.  Got to have a good reason to call for such a price.  What is gained in return?

In the American Revolution, it was voting rights (Wow.  What a cause!)

In the Civil War it was the liberation of black people from slavery (a better justification).

How about an Abortion War (for the saving of thousands, even millions, of babies butchered through a SCOTUS “opinion” (read “Tyrannical Decree”) a.k.a. Roe v. Wade?

There is greater justification for the overthrow of this nation (ruled by SCOTUS) than there ever was for our American Revolution or the Civil War. 

15 Jan., 2022

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