Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill


There is a great dearth of writings in support of Lethal Strategy of Defense (LSD) ministry for the protection  of the many womb children from the daily murders which occur in the USA and around the world.   (Let us simplify communication by employing the term LSD to represent the principles and phenomena.)  Lethal strategies of defense for the womb child may include any actions taken directly against the murderers (a.k.a. “abortionists” or “providers” of abortions or “abortion doctors” and many other euphemistically misguiding terms) as well as that action which designed to interrupt or prevent the murder from occurring.  

How does one launch an LSD?  Or, how does one inspire, encourage, promote and defend such action?  Such a strategy must be undergirded with sound doctrine serving to ensure that the convictions of the defender are sound and well established in his (speaking generically, of course as women are not excluded!) mind.

Sound doctrine is grounded in the conviction that human beings are, indeed, different from and “above” all other creatures (the term preferred to “animals”).  Indeed, as creatures, owing their existence to the Creator, all have a purpose and a value relative to the value placed upon them by the Creator.  In particular, and to the point, the creature with the greatest value is that one which was (and is) created in the very “image” or likeness of God, the very Creator, Himself.  That image consists, as the theologians have long asserted, in “original righteousness and holiness.”  Those created in “His image” have a moral standing which is carried by their uniqueness as those bearing a likeness to God himself.  They have spirits or souls within their bodies which will continue to exist when their bodies die.  The souls have moral standing, unlike any other life on earth.  They stand condemned by a holy God and under His wrath.  However, by His grace, they have been “redeemed” from their just state of condemnation by the very sacrifice of the  divine Son, the second person of the Trinity. 

In as much as such creatures, still in their mothers’ wombs, have been broadly slaughtered throughout the nation for nigh on five decades, the urgency for action is patently overdue.

Any strategy is a good one.  Overt daytime action is fine for one who wishes to shine the light brightly and unabashedly, calling the nation to look and repent.  Covert nighttime action is also respectable if one wishes to resume further acts of rescue and benevolence for the many neighborhoods remaining under the lethal siege upon the womb children.

So, let each do as he chooses, answering his own calling.  And may those Lord bless the ministries of those called to LSD ministry.

Onward, Christian soldiers.

8 Dec., 2021


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