Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill


(Terminator of Unwanted Abortionists)

The way of the TUA is not easy;
May have to hide and find things breezy,
Where to go when scorned and rejected
By those you never expected!
Preachers and teachers of “justice,”
All blind by desire to be cool,
Don’t care to be under God’s rule.
Rather please man and have a reputation,
Praise from the crowd and adoration.
Thought the USA was non-conformity!
What happened, hippies, to “Do your thing”?
Did the “establishment” get reformed?
Does it now defend the poor and weak?
Oh!  Forgot those unseen in the wombs!
Don’t even bother with burials and tombs,
Just wash them down the drain.
Don’t let that “fetus” cause you pain?
The TUA may come your way and open your eyes
Sticks and stones blown away to expose those lies,
Babies saved from many-a grave,
Thanks to the bombs of the noble and brave.
So cheers to the TUA every day!
May he bring those “clinics” down to the ground;
Can hardly find a more beautiful sound.

0828 on 28 Oct., 2021

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