Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Stupid Court Musings

The “clinics” were burning
And the people were standing around
Not just watching, but fanning the flames!
Yes, revival had finally come in a flood;
The nation had enough of the blood
Poured out in the name of liberation
And ordered by court room “deliberation”:
Stupid musings about “women’s rights”
Bringing the Holocaust to new heights.
Ah, but that smell of “clinics” in smoke!
(Calling murder a “choice” – a bad joke!)
The aroma is much more than soothing;
It inspires the sniffer to new things:
To look out for that neighbor, already born
Who came out that canal without being torn!
But as for those “clinics” still in operation,
There is surely a means for celebration
Whenever those bricks get scattered around
And that baby-killing fortress is brought to the ground.

0935 on 28 Oct, 2021

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