Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

A Selfish Fellow

A selfish fellow I am, indeed.
I want a good life; I get me a wife
And she gets me some children to love.
But soon they fly away like that dove
In my yard every morning.
They return now and then, again and again
And we’re glad for what we’ve been given:
Lives to watch as they unfold
Their very own stories to be told.
Each will have things to confide
And matters of import to decide.
If the words of a prophet are true,
It matters not in life what one did do.
In life we will often fall short,
Some even their children abort,
But the Truth will prevail
And keep us from hell,
That Good News we always recall
Even since He brought us the fall.
Yes, God had a plan for Adam and all
That we would not be without hope
Taking pills and smokin’ dope.
Hear my words in their context
Take no single line for a pretext!
Follow the One who sent the Son.
Only there is your life truly fun.

Finish at 0720 on 6 July, 2021

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