Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Jesse Jackson: Racist Race-baiter

Michael Bray
9 January, 2001

When it Comes to Opposition to (racist) Child-slaughter by Abortion, No Sit-ins, no Protests, and No Speech

Of course it seemed so un-American on the surfacea wicked Republican denial of voting rights! “Count all the votes!” the Gore-ons screamed! But the votes were being counted by different standards from county to county depending upon the political party of the majority of the inhabitants. And the rules for counting these votes in different ways were changed in the midst of the counting process of this election in violation of federal law! (It took no Solomon to figure this one out.) The pious posturing of those calling for a full count was as fraudulent as the candidate and his race-bating contingents.

Race-baiter Jesse Jackson was fulminating desperately on the eve of the Supreme Court Decision which rejected Al Gore’s efforts to “recount” the votes in Florida (“Must be some racists somewhere to blame for something”). How should Jesse survive as a civil rights champion if there be no racism to combat? He seems to have no other raison d’etre. Times are tough for the civil rights business. Donations have dropped off in the absence of burnings, lynchings, and enforced segregation. Jesse has resorted to extortion, visiting corporations executives to solicit donations to his Rainbow Coalition: No donations, no clean civil rights bill of health from Jesse. Yes, that is the story reported by Paul Weyrich a few years ago; his source required anonymity. So: Dennyses of the world, Pay up! or suffer the consequences ̶ slander and blackballing. Extortion goes a long way and the feds don’t apply RICO against recognized civil rights personalities. They only pursue the regular mafia and, of course, anti-abortion activists. (Why, just as the mafia hurt a business, so anti-abortionists hurt the abortion business, the legal argument goes. But that doesn’t count when earth worshipers destroy logging equipment or animal rights fanatics burn laboratories.)

Why is it that the speech of race-baiters is so well protected; while that of the anti-abortionists is smothered? Why is it taboo to criticize Jackson without being called a racist? How does such slander against anyone who dares a whisper of criticism against Jackson withstand truly democratic and free-speech scrutiny?

I don’t know. I do know what happened when I and others spoke our minds in reaction to questions about terminated abortionists. We were well-sued. There is no free speech against the anointed “civil rights” spokesmen or their abortion rights kin.

We were interviewed on radio and TV and by countless print media surrounding the question: How can you say that the killing of abortionists is justifiable? After the first high profile termination of Abortionist David Gunn in Pensacola on 10 March, 1993. I wrote a book, A Time to Kill, to answer to the questions so often asked. I was dragged into a lawsuit by Planned Parenthood in 1995 and connected with 12 other anti-abortion activists. The deeds of my co-defendants were proactive. Their doctrine was no different from mine; they simply expressed the message creatively, presenting the visage of a few abortionists on a wanted poster, casting them as criminals who ought to hunted down and prosecuted. I cannot take credit (or liability, as the Roe-sullied courts have calculated) for such a creative and dramatic method of expression. But I can say that my viewpoint and that of each of my co-defendantsand anyone who holds to a consistent human life ethicis that the life of the child in the womb is worthy of protection, just as the life of anyone outside is worthy of the same. As this includes lethal defensive action, those who maim or shoot practicing abortionists cannot be condemned for these good deeds.

Terminations and major assaults against abortionists continued with the deeds of Shelley Shannon on 20 August, 1993, Paul Hill on 29 July, 1994, and (a lethal attack upon an abortionist’s accomplices) John Salvi, 30 December, 1994. Non-credited attacks upon abortion perpetrators were growing bountifully until the fall of 1999; these included a shot into the leg of Garson Romalis while he was dining at the breakfast table in his Vancouver home on 8 November, 1994; more non-lethal shots fired into the homes and the bodies of Hugh Short in Hamilton, Ontario on 10 November, 1995 and Jack Fainman in Winnipeg on 11 November, 1997; and an unwilling-to-be-identified abortionist shot at while at home in Rochester on 28 October, 1997. The most notorious of these attacks was the termination of Barnett Sleppian on 23 October, 1998. While relaxing in his home after a day of innocent blood-shedding, his life was cut short by a bullet shot into his back. The most recent attack upon an abortionist was a Romalis revisitation on 11 July, 2000. While on his way to work, he was stabbed with a knife by someone who attacked him from behind.

These activities aroused much attention. The horrified media choir was joined by would-be leaders of the pro-life movement who sang the same song: “No pro-lifer would take a life! This contradicts the pro-life philosophy!” – or some such similar refrain. It was not simply that the establishment pro-lifers found our response to be an obstacle to their publicity war – the ongoing effort to persuade public opinion in favor of the “pro-life” view by endearing themselves as fine, warm, friendly, caring folk; rather, pro-life leaders – if their words are to be taken at face value – actually abhorred the use of force in behalf of the innocents!

The recent reply of the largest Canadian pro-life organization to the knifing of Abortionist Garson Romalis is typical of the response of establishment American pro-life organizations throughout the past decade. Campaign Life Coalition’s monthly, The Interim, reported that President Jim Hughes “condemned the attack and offered a $10,000 reward ‘for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who stabbed. . . Romalis’” (August, 2000; 104 Bond Street, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario, M5B 1X9).

Hughes believes that folks who really believe that babies are worthy of protecting with force are crazy. He was quoted saying that the rescuer, “should immediately be brought to justice, incarcerated and receive proper medical treatment.” Moreover, he announced, “If I knew who did it, I’d turn them in.”

What has all this to do with the race-baiting civil rights fraud Jesse Jackson? It has to do with fraud. Establishment pro-lifers practice fraud when they denounce and attack those who defend the use of defensive force. They practice treachery against those whose interests they claim to serve.
So it is with Jesse Jackson and his seditious speech from the end of the election until the present. Such treasonous, inflammatory and riot-inciting speech is fully tolerated without a second thought. And yet our speech, which has incited and advocated nothing is essentially outlawed, inasmuch as we have been successfully sued in federal court. In fact the message of our speech has been very simply this: we have simply refused to condemn the use of force to defend innocent children. PERIOD!

By contrast, Jackson, on the day before the Supreme Court was to rule on the issue of “recounts” and the lawless action of the Florida Supreme Court, threatened as follows: “If this court rules against counting our vote, it will simply create a civil rights explosion. People will not surrender to this tyranny. We will fight back.” Jackson compared the vote-counting issue with civil rights struggles of Selma and Birmingham (Washington Times, 12 Dec.). Those issues, people would riot over today. Jackson would like a riot or the threat of the same as a tool of political power.

Jesse Jackson is no patriot. He does not seek the well-being of “his people” or any people. He is a racist, self-serving, glory-hunting, race-baiting fraud. He is the precise opposite of my co-defendants who are godly men and women, loyal husbands and wives, lovers of righteousness, protectors of the innocent of all races, and lovers of their nation and yet weepers over its sins.

A most thorough investigation into the character of Jackson is provided in the 1985 title, Jesse Jackson and the Politics of Race (Landess and Quinn, Jameson Books, 722 Columbus St., Ottawa, IL 61350). The forward is written by Ralph Abernathy, the right-hand man of Martin Luther King, ought-to-have-been heir to leadership of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and the man who, by all rights, ought to have assumed the leadership of King’s civil rights movement. He, not Jesse Jackson, was the man holding King in his arms as he died. The source of the blood which Jackson displayed for the cameras the day after the assassination after traveling to Chicago is a mystery. The best speculation by those present is that he wiped the blood from the balcony onto himself after climbing up the stares to the third floor where King had been shot. No eye witnesses could offer any other explanation.

Consider the fraud on the day King died. Twenty-five minutes after the assassination, as the cameras from the three major networks rolled in, reporters were approaching one of SCLC group, saxophonist Ben Branch. Jesse yelled across the lot: “Don’t talk to them!” and Branch agreed, “because” said Branch later, “I thought he meant none of us were supposed to talk until Abernathy got back from the hospital, so I walked away.” Of the six who had been with King when he was shot (Young, Abernathy, Williams, Eskridge, Caldwell, and Kyles), all but Williams had gone to the hospital. Hosea Williams, grieving in his room stayed back, remaining to grieve in his room.

In the meantime, Jesse, who had told Branch not to talk, did his own talking. “Hosea Williams, who like Jesse had not gone to the hospital, was grieving in his room. ‘I came out to hear what was being said. Then I heard Jesse say, “Yes, I was the last man in the world King spoke to.” I knew Jesse was lying. . . and I had a feeling about what Jesse was trying to pull’” (p. 3).

Williams was angry at Jesse’s selfish self-promotion. He knew that “Solomon Jones had been the last man King had spoken to and he knew that Jackson had been in the courtyard below, with the others, nowhere near King when the bullet struck. . . Enraged, he climbed over the balcony railing and make for Jackson. ‘I was going to stomp him into the ground but a cop grabbed me. I called Jesse a dirty, stinking, lying so-and-so. . . I had no hang-ups about Jesse talking to the press. . . but why lie? Why capitalize on another man’s name and image – a dead man, who can’t speak for himself?’”

In the middle of the night, the day of the assassination, a staff meeting of the SCLC was in progress. At the head of the table was Ralph Abernathy. King’s prophetic words which he had shared privately with Abernathy a few days prior were coming to mind: “I’ll never live to be forty. I’ll never make it.” So it was. King died at age thirty-nine.

“The room was filled with SCLC staffers looking to Abernathy for leadership. Then someone looked around and asked where Jackson was.

“After a pause, Abernathy remembered. He had given Jackson permission to go back to Chicago. ‘Jesse said he was going there to organize planeloads of people to come to the funeral.’”

At 6:00 A.M. the next day Abernathy and central leaders of the SCLC “stared at the television in silent disbelief. There on the NBC ‘Today Show’ was Jesse Louis Jackson telling his special version of King’s death.” The rest is the history of Jackson’s regular spotlight grabbing ever in pursuit of a “racist incident” to rail about and get a camera to stand before.

But Jackson himself is the racist. He is an ally of black supremacist Louis Farrakhan. Whenever Farrahkan or Nation of Isalm spokesmen are featured in the news, the doctrinal racism of the religion is left unexposed. Nation of Islam doctrine teaches that “white” people are the offspring of demons, innately evil in contrast to the progenitors of “black” people. (It is no wonder that Farrakhan exhorts his followers not to intermarry with the “children of slave masters.”) One of his speakers slated for his two-day Black Holocaust Nationhood Conference held the weekend before the (half-million) Million Man March was Leonard Jeffries, who teaches his students at New York’s City College that African people “descended from ‘Sun People’ and whites from ‘Ice People’” (Washington Times, 10 Oct., 1995).

Jackson has never denounced his ally or even repudiated his teachings. He has not shunned him for referring to Jewish businessmen “bloodsuckers” and whites as “blue-eyed devils.” He continues to foment racial division and manipulate politicians with the ever-present threat to label them “racists” if they don’t give him some respect and do his bidding. It is the fellowship of sedition that Farrakhan and Jackson share. And this is more important to them than Truth.

The Reverend Jackson passes himself off as a Christian minister, but he is a fraud as are all those who pretend to teach God’s word while supporting contemporary child-slaughter known as abortion rights. It is not just what might appear to be a delusion which Jackson might suffer under as a well-meaning man of the cloth led astray by popular Democratic opinion. Jackson, a few decades ago, denounced abortion as “black genocide.” He recognized the fact that as a racial proportion, abortions were committed disproportionately against black people. But when the powers the Democratic PartyJackson’s vehicle for political ascendancyexclusively embraced abortion rights, Jackson turned his back on the truth. (But then, who is to say that he ever believed it?)

Such are the times when the Truth is ejected either directly from national codes or more subtly by judicial fiat. Today the truth is politically suppressed. Race-baiters and seditionists are free to lie and fulminate against our One Nation under God and propagandize for a Nation of Islam; murderers are free to advocate and slaughter innocent children; but we who speak clearly and consistently in their defense are dispossessed or jailed.

We press on, in or out of season, proclaiming the truth and exposing evil.

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