Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

The Spring Has Sprung

The Spring has lustfully sprung
As the clouds move ever above.
The birds all fly at a whim
And the air is still at their tweeting.
The gray clouds move unhindered
By the will of the creatures below,
For the One who moves them knows
The nature and purpose of all that grows.
The birds chirp on the wires,
A provision for man by man,
And now comes the rain to drive
The penman back to his lodge
To watch as if falls on the world below
Even for those not in the know.
Ah, I have my refuge in a chair
Where I look out the window and stare
At the birds, the rain, and the squirrels
As another of His days unfurls

0716 on 28 May, 2021

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