Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Our Man, Biden

Biden, Biden, he’s our man,
Take us the hell
Quick as anyone can.
A phony Catholic, a heretic
A fake of a Christian, just a trick.
He got those idiots on that day
To throw their votes away
On a fool with a mission corrupt,
Economy and morals to disrupt.
Yeah he’s a real beacon!
Been lying to the deacon
About how he’s one of the faithful,
But who can think much of his words?
Lawless frauds do what they do
Cast off truth and screw you.
Another fake Christian, bad as Barack!
Might as well be under attack
By the Japs, Russians or Chinese
Or the Nazis.! But oh please
Take these fake Christians away!
Let us not fall under their sway
But buck up and put in a leader
Not some disgusting baby bleeder

0955 on 16 April, 2021

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