Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

She Makes the Meals

She makes the meals
And pays the bills
While I repose and compose
Those words the righteous adore
And which the wicked abhor.
They are words of might
And those who love right
Separate from wrong and long
For and pursue justice.
Yes, she cooks and serves the meats
And lays out for us lots of treats
And we dig it! It’s cool!
We eat like nobody’s fool,
Downing it all, not missing a bite.
Together we fail not to celebrate
What we love and loathe what we hate
Knowing we all have a date
With the Big Boss above
Who commands us not just to love
But to bring on the work,
To love all and not shirk
The duty to help the weak
And ever the Gospel to speak.

1515 on 29 Nov., 2020

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