Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

A Liturgy for “Dedication”

(For our Presbyterian Friends)

1. Do you believe that one God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit created the earth, the world, and the entire universe?

2. Do you  believe that this God created mankind in His very image – apart from all other creatures?

3.  And do you believe that man, Adam himself in behalf of the race,  rebelled against God and that the sin of Adam – and the consequence of death – passed through time and to all humanity?

4.  And do you believe that God the Father sent God the Son – the very Lord Jesus –  by the power of God the Holy Spirit to be the Savior of the world by His death and resurrection?

5. And do you believe His saving power is here present and will deliver your child from death and the power of the Evil One?

6.  And do you bring your child here today to be baptized. (Do you, otherwise, “dedicate” him  here today praying that he does not die before baptism and that the good Lord will save him should he so die?)

7.  We, then, “dedicate” this child in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

[Come home, brothers, and BAPTIZE those babies, those “children of the Covenant”! Give ’em the whole enchilada!]

21 Aug., 2020

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