Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Apostasy Cowardice or Buffoonery

Christian Radio Babble

“He treated everyone with love and respect,” says some goofball about Jesus on my Christian radio station.  What?!?  Where did you get that notion?  That false teaching?!?!?!? Fool!  Do I need to give a bunch of quotes from Him as He cussed out the Pharisees and tore up the temple? Read your Bible  before you […]

Non-violence!  It Is Our Tradition!

Well, that is fine when your are talking about achieving racial equality or the right of a woman to vote or hold office.  But when you are talking about freeing those who have been enslaved by racial manstealing and trading of black people or when you are talking about the murder of womb-children, tradition may, […]

An Important Short Take (Gaining Perspective on Ourselves in Our Time)

If you are a “pro-lifer” who does not regard a Democrat to be on the same moral level as a Nazi, you do not have a sufficient appreciation for the sanctity of the child in the womb. (Best not look down too critically of those inactive Germans under a Biden-grade Hitler.) 23 January, 2024 I […]

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