Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Tribute to Jonathan O’Toole (Movie Producer)

What does it mean to be a martyr, a witness, for Jesus?

We might give consideration, in our times, to the one who saves the babies by blowing up abortuaries (and, sometimes, going to jail).  Some time in the future, such will be regarded as martyrs. 

But there are others who have acted in a crafty fashion and produced art or films which convey a strong anti-abortion message.  Such may inspire action in defense of the innocents which will afford immeasurable benefits to the innocents and the “movement” to save them.  Thanks be to God for Jonathan O’Toole and his film ministry.  He is a witness to the Truth and has provided such in his film production.

MBray on 30 Sept., 2022

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