Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

A Christian Must Go

The blood flows and flows through the body
And it carries the energy needed to nourish
And sustain arms, legs, and brain
Lest we go insane and fade away
Before the break of another day.
Ours is to look way past basic biology
And delve into that Biblical theology.

A Christian must go whithersoever God leads him!
Whitherward I went, to what adventure I might find;
Babies I saved and a woman married who children carried,
And how blessed I was by His hand through His leading
Spawning those children and tending to their feeding.
Prison and suffering for the sake of justice exceeding
Dreams of adventure and service for His glory
Turned out to be not too bad of a story.

Those who prostrate before the god of Non-violence
And reject the use of force to save babies
Are frauds who opt for peace with the Feds
Rather than the saving of arms, legs, and heads.
So it is with Fr. Pavone who offers rewards
To apprehend those who are stewards
Of their lives given over to the Lord of Justice
Who would save those innocents among us.

0730 on 20 Dec., 2022
1030 on 21 Dec.,  2022

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