Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Nazi Pro-aborts

If pro-aborts are the equivalent of Nazi Holocaust supporters
Why are they treated with such respectful toleration?
What expectation can we have with such tacit approval
Of their wicked doctrine and disgusting death wishes
Upon every child unwanted in the womb of women
In trial or torment, frustration or inconvenience?
How is it that we are so civil and polite to such barbarians?
The just-get-along-song has been the tune too long sung!
Shunning of such who aver the right to butcher babies,
Avoiding their company as those with a bad case of rabies
Is the more appropriate policy toward reprobates so decadent,
Be they the neighborhood thugs or the U.S. President.
Yes, there may be a time when they repent and come to reason
When we can return to them in friendship in due season,
But until that time of reconciliation, it is a time for war not peace
And friendly conversion over Bucks, Broncos, Reds and Bears.
Bricks in windows, bombs at night are appropriate tools of the fight
To save those babies from death by the torture of abortion.
Let such deeds be answered not by words but deeds in proportion.
“Life for life” is a principle true that cannot be decried by me or you;
Each must pray and do those deeds which are just and true
To that standard given by the Holy One above
Which dictates justice as well as love.

1521 on 19 May, 2022

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