Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Remember? Children are a Blessing!

What is it with people and divine blessings?
“One and done”?
“Two and we’re through”?
“Three and we’re free”?
Think that’s liberty?
From what? The blessing of children?
When did the Word get supplanted
By liars and birth-control bandits?
How about some attention to Law
What does God say to us all?
Says those children are blessings
(Yes also distressing
As sanctification tends to be
Stretching us so we can see?
We call them little ASes;
They serve as His agents.
Yes, Agents of Sanctification
Shaping our selfish hearts
To care for those little farts
Who cause us all kinds of stress
And drive us our sins to confess.
Take His gifts with thanksgiving;
Be transformed by their living
And sighing, whining and crying.
They are just like you are to God:
Sinners well in need of the rod.
So remember as you deliver a spanking:
He’s got one for you up there cranking
Ready to bring it down on your head
Be lots of those before you are dead.

P.m. on 25 Jan., 2022

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