Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill


When an abortuary is incinerated
Or when an abortionist is terminated,
There is cause for lifted spirits and gaiety!
Celebration for both clergy and laity
That the threat to classes high and law
Can be taken out by a single bow
And arrow or well aimed shot
From across the parking lot!
Little babies need not die
As long as people reject the lie
That babies are a mere “choice”
Not ones for whom to raise a voice.
There is hope that some will rise and save
Babies from a trip to the grave;
Keep them in their mothers’ wombs
And out of those ready-made tombs,
Ground up flesh flushed down the drain,
Parents ignorant of their pain.
Thank God for bombers and their dynamite;
Pray the world wakes up and does them right.
Praise them for the deeds well done
Saving those in the image of the Son.

P.m. on 13 Jan., 2022

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