Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Democrats, like Demagogues

Gonna Practice Demagoguery

Having thoroughly abandoned the Law of God, they have no moral compass by which to discriminate between Right and Wrong. They wander in darkness from one newly found, hip issue to another.  They rise up for “animal rights” and deny “fetuses” the rights of human beings.  Quite morally confused, indeed!

So when they step up their influence and spread their authority over more realms of life, they will want more of your money to do it.  If “it” were good, one might have less cause to complain other than the right to do with one’s own money what one wishes.  But since the very taking of excess money is an offense in itself, the misuse of the same is all the more offensive. 

Thieves, by their nature as wrongdoers, are generally not inclined to do good with the goods that they steal; sometimes they may be Robin Hood-like hoodlums, but such is not the norm – if we may speak of normality on the subject. 

Deny the damned Dems the power they seek to do the damage that they are wont to inflict upon benighted populations.

5 Nov., 2020

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