Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Polytheistic Statism v. Christocracy

Can We Not Abort Vermont From the Union?

https://www.lifenews.com/2022/12/13/vermont-creates-a-right-to-kill-babies-allows-abortions-up-to-birth/ So, the state has legalized baby-slaughtering UP TO BIRTH! Why do we want to be joined with such a pagan state?  Let them go!  We don’t need them.  Free them from any duty to or benefits from the nation!   (Or do they reflect the spirit of the nation?  And ought we who oppose child […]

A Government that Needs a Good Over-throwing

There is a problem with the current government.  It is derelict.  It is unfit.  It needs to be overthrown. At least 98 Catholic churches and 77 pregnancy resource centers and other pro-life organizations have been attacked since May, but the DOJ has apparently not charged a single person in connection with these attacks. Meanwhile, the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division has […]

When the Law of God is Abandoned

When Christians of a nation Forsake their alliance around the Law, Sodomites rise and take their place Forming a union around their freedom To abominate the land with their sin, All in the name of a new kind of liberty. Selfish perversion is the new core: The value is cherished by the decadent. It is […]

A High Speciosity Rating

Such must be granted to the Democratic party members who continue their alliance with the post-Roe, pro-abort citizens of the land.   How long will the party continue to court death today as it did slavery long ago – all in the name of “liberty” for the mother to kill her child and the “freedom” for […]

National Civility

The essence of civility is the condition where the affirmation of good and denunciation of evil is carried out in public.  Justice is not a private matter, but one which is acknowledged in law and visible to the public. In the cases of sodomy and abortion, we, as a nation, no longer denounce the murder […]

Toleration of Evil and Then . . .?

Well, that evil which you tolerate soon spreads and takes over everything.  Think of that infection you might have in your body.  If you don’t treat it, it spreads and you get sick all over!  Imagine what happens when evil laws are allowed to stand.  Whether its racism which leads to discrimination, segregation, and slavery […]

The Moral Illegitimacy of the Dem Party

It used to be that we had two major legitimate political parties in America.  Both were within the boundaries of standard Christian morality: one favored bigger government and the expenditure of tax money for “the needy”(as defined variously by differing opinions; the other favored leaving the citizens’ money with each citizen to care for himself […]

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