Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

The Moral Illegitimacy of the Dem Party

It used to be that we had two major legitimate political parties in America.  Both were within the boundaries of standard Christian morality: one favored bigger government and the expenditure of tax money for “the needy”(as defined variously by differing opinions; the other favored leaving the citizens’ money with each citizen to care for himself and strive to behave responsibly.

That happy dualistic political system was good.  The expression of varying view points upon a given issue helped expose flaws in a proposed or existing policy. 

But now, since the Dems have abandoned fundamental morality regarding: 1) the sanctity of human life both with regards to life itself (per those in the womb) and 2) the moral behavior of citizens (derived from the very Law of God) the result has been a course which leads to the corruption of the citizenry and general decadence of the nation.

The Democratic party is morally illegitimate.  Period.   It is taboo.  It is not a legitimate option for ANYONE who would promote that which right!

Simple.  And true.

Peace to you who love the Truth and the nation: gifts from God.

13 Oct., 2022

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