Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

The Popularity of Abortionist Terminators

9 August 2011
The Popularity of Abortionist Terminators

The following note to a writer with the Buffalo News was in response to an article he wrote which listed a number of activists who condemned the killing of Abortionist Bernard Slepian. It was sent by email on 21 Nov., 2002 to Lou Michel at the following address: lmichel@buffnews.com

Hello Lou!

Good work on your accurate report; however, was no pleasure reading the lineup of contemnors which I believe is inspired by good intentions but foolish judgment.

Take Joe Roach, for example. Here is a fine fellow, who has attended my White Rose Banquet. One would suspect that he has some sympathies for the use of force and may even justify it. But somehow, an overwhelming sense that many have that approval of “violence” – when FORCE is what is really being approved by me – causes many to clam up.

I remember a poll taken in the wake of Paul Hill’s shooting of the Pensacola abortionsts. 3% of the general population polled supported the use of lethal force to
defend unborn children. (The real figures on the number of homosexuals in the country is a mere 2 1/2 percent). In fact, then, the number of Americans who supported Hill’s action when it was a new concept was greater than the number of homosexuals in the country. (The latter group may seem larger, but they have a voice and use it, in contrast to the womb children and their shy supporters.)

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