Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

A “Whack” needs a Whack

Sometimes a  “whack” needs a whack!
Just can’t get that head to think;
Like someone who had too much to drink.
So it is with many-a Democrat
Stuck on some equality track
As if evil and good rode the same rail
And there was no need to put anyone in jail;
No evil from good to be discriminated.
And such a quandary gives you a headache!
You mean there is no good to be distinguished
From the evil that is ’round about everywhere?
No Right to be separated from the Wrong?
(Must have dreamed that up from a bong!)
Short take at 1413 on 5 Jan., 2024

Then, I looked up “Whack” on the internet and found:

In Whack Your Ex, you can take revenge on your ex-partner in a cartoonish and over-the-top way. You can choose from a variety of objects and use them to inflict violence on your ex in gruesome and violent ways. For example, you can use a chainsaw to decapitate your ex-girlfriend, or you can burn all of her shoes. You can even have your new girlfriend watch as you inflict these cartoonish acts of violence. While this game allows you to express your feelings about the break-up in a fun and cathartic way, it’s ultimately less useful than actually dealing with your emotions through therapy or other means.


What a world!

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