Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Freedom under Law

A society which boasts of freedom without defining freedom under law is a society which deceives itself. 

How often do we hear boasts and proclamations and cries for “Freedom!”?  But how vain (and even deceitful) is such a outcry without definition!

Freedom for what?  To “do your own thing” – whatever that is?   Freedom to pursue child porn?  Freedom to commit sodomy?  Freedom to fornicate?  Freedom for a boy to become a girl

Come now, fools!  Adam wanted freedom from obedience to God and brought us a fallen world.   “Freedom” – undefined – is not a good thing.

Buck up and get a grip on yourself and on your morality.  In the Law of God and the salvation from the condemnation brought to us by sin is where real freedom is found.  Look to Jesus and walk in His Law.

2 June 2023

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