Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Lousey Christian Journalism

August, 2011

It is presumed that those who are in positions of authority as teachers of the Scriptures and analysts of the times ─ who discern the issues and evaluate moral matters by means of the Standard of Christian morality ─ would pursue their duty with honesty, integrity, and with courage.

Ah, but be not so presumptuous.  It was nothing but treachery for such watchmen to present Clinton in any other way but as lying adulterer who advanced the shedding of innocent blood, sodomy, and debt in America.

CACN, Summer, 1994

Lousey Christian Journalism

Christianity Today editor at large Philip Yancy is a fine writer.  But his article reporting an interview with Bill Clinton in the 25 April issue was infested with that journalistic neutrality which just can’t seem to make a judgment (i.e. discriminate between good and evil).

What is the point of presenting a few hundred thousand Christian subscribers with disarming information about Clinton’s “Christian faith”?  Yancy tells us that while a youth, Bill “asked a Sunday-school teacher to drive him 50 miles to attend a Billy Graham crusade” and that “from then on Clinton set aside nickels and dimes to send to Graham.”  And, (Glory to God!) “school teachers thought Bill himself might grow up to be an evangelist.”

Yes, and Yancy tells us that Bill reads the Bible and Tony Campolo and that one Christian college president is “absolutely convinced of his deep and sincere faith.”  Yeah.  And “another evangelical guest at the White House claimed that the President . . . has a very high view of Scripture.”

More hope.  Yancy quotes former editor of Falwell’s Fundamentalist Journal, Edward Dobson on Clinton: “I believe he’s more deeply spiritual than any President we’ve had in recent years.”

If there is cause for sympathy for Clinton’s godlessness, perhaps it rightfully stems from the vapid, undiscerning, Billy Grahamish evangelicalism of which he is a ripe product.  But he remains as wrong as sin, and sure as hell he will be judged for his deeds along with the indiscriminate evangelicals who produced and excused him.

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