Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

PP Collection in Ohio

Two years before the surprise raid on the Bray home, Michael Bray filed a ten-page affidavit in July of 2005 in response to PP’s continuing efforts to take his home, computers, books, and papers.  Any literary flair proceeds from the influence of his excellent counselor, Thomas Condit.  Below are the first six pages of that affidavit:

Bray Affidavit

Bray Affidav-2

Bray Affidav-3

Bray Affidav-4

Bray Affidav-5

Bray Affidav-6

The absurdity of his defendant status, as with that of any of his co-defendants, is evident. Hence, the 3-0 reversal on appeal.  Nevertheless, as the most left-wing of all circuits, the Ninth, was chosen as the venue for litigation,  it was not altogether surprising that the en Banc decision went 6-5 against the dozen activist/defendants.  But why would the U.S. Supremes not consider the case?

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