Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

On Speaking That Truth

In speaking the Truth, you may offend
Smithy Mormons, Watchtower Witnesses,
Wierville Wayists, Democrats, RINOs or maybe
Even right-wing or regular lefty sodomites!
So, hope for the best and anticipate the worst:
Some will receive it and others will cover and run,
But you will not lose out on the ultimate fun.
You will have obeyed the call to summon
Those who would escape the path of corruption
And be delivered from final and eternal destruction.
Declare the glory of the Savior – God who became man,
Descending from heaven to take on flesh and die
Paying that heavy price to deliver us and grant endless life.
Only God could bear the eternal punishment due the race.
(That’s lots of time for lots of souls suffering endless disgrace.)
But He can deliver from punishment due any sin or persuasion.
He is the King, the Savior, God, and the Lord of creation.
Yeah, He’s a good God, the Son, and didn’t lose His life for nothin’!
He poured it out for you, and yours is to honor Him with lovin’
Care for other believers and a hand stretched out for the wanderers.

1215 on 27 Feb., 2024

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