Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Another Call to Derelict Heretics

The Wiervillain Way is, of course, the wrong way.
It is the way of the Triune One which saves your day.
Indeed, it is the way to save your eternity from hell.
Of all things in this life, the honoring of God is your duty.
No matter all the joy you get from philosophy or the cutie.
Yours is to honor Him especially by the means He has chosen:
His very church, the gathering people of God who unite
Displaying His love and might by the diversity of membership:
Folks from every tribe, color, race, state, and nation.
Likewise false are the Mormons, Witnesses, and liberal Democrats
Along with RINOS and any other kind of fake GOP devotees.
Forever reigning is the Truine One: Father, Spirit and Son.
And Judgment Day will come soon enough for all.
Best to answer that Gospel word and the salvation call
Now, rather than at the Judgment Seat with all that heat.

10 Jan., 2023

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