Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Higher Education Meditation

“Higher education” is really bullshit education which suffuses students with a materialist worldview having no comprehension of spirit, of God, of a Maker.  From the get-go, a student in such a system must be constantly indoctrinated with the presuppositions of the educators/propagandists: viz., the assumption that the world is eternally material and that there was no all-powerful Spirit existing prior, Who created matter:  No Spirit who made matter – OUT OF NOTHING.

The presuppositions and the world-view of our secularist education system are, essentially, “anti-Christ” – denying that the God (who made the world from nothing), the Son, who came down and took on humanity (in the person, Jesus) and paid for the sins of all people, and the Spirit, who indwells His people and the churches they compose. 

Keep this truth in mind whenever assessing the Godless public school system.

“Higher education,” then, apart from the truths that it does teach, misses the most fundamental and guiding truth of all – the Triune God who made the world and provided law to guide the people.

It is only by Truth and His Law that justice is found.

19 July, 2023

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