Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Those Stinking Anti-Christs

Well, Americans were smart enough at the start
To reject Muhammad and folks of His sort
But ’twasn’t long before they got fooled by some
Other ghouls of their very own origination!
(An American thing: some energy and imagination.)
Joseph Smith brought all his Angel Moroni bull
And Charles Taze Russell gave some “Witness” jive.
Then Wierville came with more anti-Trinity “Way” garbage
(Oh there was, for the blind, many-a dark and bleak day!).
But maybe the nation is settled down from its cult adventures;
(Gettin’ older and wearin’ out those doctrinal dentures
That just don’t get it like the real teeth [Creeds] do for a good chew
On the issues and ideas that constantly come our way.)
Can’t beat that Triune God; He came down – the Son,
The Second Person of the Trinity, yes indeed,
Who, as God, could bear all the punishment for all the sin
Ever committed by all the people of all time in the whole world.
Yes, the Scriptures make it clear for anyone who reads and hears:
It is the Father, Son, and Spirit, alone, Who lived forever in time past
And will take us who believe Him to live, love, and be loved forever.

1500 on 3 April

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