Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

The Passing of Joseph Bray

The passing of Joseph Bray
Made the second of June a shiny day.
Into unhindered fellowship with God,
Joining the company of saints, he sailed
Where on joy there are no restraints.
From din, he moves into pleasant light
To meet the One who made it all.
An excellent wife says “Bye!” to her man,
And she trusts in that heavenly plan.
Just as Jesus rose from death,
Overcoming earth’s final breath,
She plans to follow in due time,
Leaving the world’s pain behind.
They reared those five quite well;
Did their best to keep ’em out o’ hell,
Then relaxed to watch a mass of grands
Spread out over many lands.
Now, Beverly must wait her turn;
What to do now she will learn.
But some faithful sons do remain
To relieve her of some of the pain.

8,9 June, 2022

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