Where, then, is wisdom joined with religion? There, indeed, where the one God is worshiped, where life and every action is referred to one source, and to one supreme authority: in short, the teachers of wisdom are the same, who are also the priests of God. Nor, however, let it affect any one, because it often has happened, and may happen, that some philosopher may undertake a priesthood of the gods; and when this happens, philosophy is not, however, joined with religion; but philosophy will both be unemployed amidst sacred rites, and religion will be unemployed when philosophy shall be treated of. For that system of religious rites is dumb, not only because it relates to gods who are dumb, but also because its observance is by the hand and the fingers, not by the heart and tongue, as is the case with ours, which is true. Therefore religion is contained in wisdom, and wisdom in religion. The one, then, cannot be separated from the other;
(Lactantius, A.D. 260-330, The Divine Institutes, Book IV, Chap. 3. And that “one God” that he acknowledges is the triune God of the Scriptures which the churches down through the ages have worshiped.)
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