Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Let Them Come!

Practicing pagan “family planning”
Or letting the Lord reign?
Who rules the world and your heart?
Do you let Him govern your gonads?
How about that ovum and fertilization?
Do you let Him rule over that turf,
Or is that reserved for special “planning”?

Hmm.  What is to be “planned”
And what to “let happen”?
Got to get such principles clarified
So you can get void of being terrified
By the One who will judge your deeds
And your foolish pulling out of “weeds”
(So you think, when they are really  flowers!).

So press on with reception of that blessing,
Those children you will ever be dressing.
God’s gift is what we call “conception.”
Don’t be deluded by those who practice deception!
Love the Lord and receive His gifts
Lest with Him you suffer rifts.

12 Mar., and 30 July 2024

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