Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Those “Differences of Opinion”

‘Twas a time when a slaveholder was viewed by abolitionists as just another fellow citizen with contrary political beliefs.   He was entitled to his opinion (for a season),  though it was one which eventually could not be tolerated.  Some opinions are not to be tolerated when they are carried out into the public arena.   Slavery finally could not be tolerated when those who had a grip on truth and justice finally put on their big-boy pants and did something about it.

Hmm.  Abortion comes to mind.  Those folks who support it, like the slavers, are folks who just “have another opinion.” 

Turns out that some opinions in some times and circumstances make for big differences – even wars.  Some opinions are deadly.

Where will our unsettled differences on child-slaughter (a.k.a. “reproductive rights” or “choice”) take us as a nation?

1000 on 3 May, 2023

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