Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

In Sin Did My Mother Conceive Me

“In sin did my mother conceive me,” says God’s word.
‘Tis, indeed, a negative affirmation of the dignity
That is man’s because of the imago Dei that he bears,
But take what is and affirm that divine principle.
We, at conception, existed complete in our humanity! 
We lack nothing to be granted all honors as divine image bearers.
So buck up and defend those innocent ones,
Though conceived in sin, guilt-free under Law.
They are worthy of our protection from those who would “control”
The population and unfit persons seek out and patrol
Or even put to death for their untimely arrival in the womb.
They will find their way to judgment after some time in the tomb.

1052 on 27 Jan 2023

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